The Congress
The 21 st World Congress of ITMA was held in The Hague, the Netherlands from 26-29 April 2009. It was a very succesful event with more than 150 participants from all continents.
On Monday 27 April there were special symposia on young drivers, on-road tests of fitness to drive (PORTARE group) and crash and injury studies (among others) Plenary speakers were Leonard Evans (Michigan, USA), Zhengguo Wang (Chongqing, P.R. China), Ralf Risser (Vienna, Austria) and Daniel Cox (Virginia, USA).
On Tuesday 28 April the focus was on older traffic participants, car drivers and bicyclists. In various symposia state-of-the-art presentations are given on older driver assessment and rehabilitation. Plenary speakers were Brian Ott (Rhode Island, USA), Sherrilene Classen (Florida, USA) and Gunnar Jenssen (Trondheim Norway).
On Wednesday 29 April there were special symposia on driving simulators in traffic medicine, sleep and medicinal drugs, and crash and injury studies (among others). Plenary speakers were Han de Gier (Groningen, Netherlands) and Don Fisher (Massachusetts, USA)
The program information about the congress, also containing the abstracts and some of the presentations can be assessed here.
Local organization committee
- Prof dr Karel A. Brookhuis; Univ. of Groningen and Technical Univ. Delft
- Prof dr Wiebo H. Brouwer; University of Groningen and UMCG
- Dr Bart J.M. Melis-Dankers; Royal Visio, Huizen
- Prof dr Aart C. Kooijman; University of Groningen and UMCG
- Drs Divera Twisk; SWOV Institute of Road Safety Research, Leidschendam
- Mr Walter Vermeer; CBR Central Driver’s Licensing Bureau, Rijswijk