The Conference
The 20th World Congress of ITMA was succesfully held from 16 to 18 October 2006 in Melbourne, Australia. ITMA is the only international professional organization dedicated to the advancement of Traffic Medicine and organizes world meetings covering virtually all areas of Traffic Medicine and its associated disciplines. It is now over 40 years since ITMA was formed and in that time many advances which have improved the lives of millions of people have been discussed at our meetings.
Subjects covered included:
• Hospital and emergency care of traffic crash victims | • Driver and passenger safety | |
• Management of multiple trauma | • Driver assessment and testing | |
• Engineering aspects of traffic crash prevention | • Older drivers | |
• Traffic crash reconstruction and interpretation | • Education and research | |
• Forensic aspects of traffic crashes | • Public health and policy aspects of traffic crashes | |
• Alcohol drugs and driving | • Traffic law enforcement |