Instructions for Authors
Poster presentations
The only restrictions for the posters concern the optimum size which is A0 (84 x 119 cm) and the upright format (poster wall 115 x 140 cm).
Oral presentations
It is expected that speakers prepare their paper in the form of a MS Powerpoint presentation which can be presented from a regular office PC connected to a regular LCD projector.
If other software or hardware (overhead projector, video-recorder, DVD recorder) is required, please inform us before April 15, 2013 of what is required.
Invited lectures: 30 min. presentation + 15 min. discussion
Lectures: 12 min. presentation + 3 min. discussion
We intend to publish the presented papers in congress proceedings. Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research results/ best practices that are not currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
Deadline for paper submission: extended to June 30, 2013
Papers are to be sent to:
Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Püschel
Department of Legal Medicine
University of Hamburg
Butenfeld 34
D – 22529 Hamburg
Tel.: (+49 40) 74 105-21 30; Fax: (+49 40) 74 105-93 83;
Please ensure that one author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details (e-mail address, full postal address, phone numbers).
Structure of manuscripts:
– Name of author
– Name of institution with reference to person responsible (if applicable)
– Title
– Abstract / Summary
– Five key words
– Objective
– Methods
– Results
– Conclusion
– Bibliography / Footnotes
– Author’s address
– Legends with illustrations and tables on a separate sheet
Bibliography references in the text should be identified by square parentheses as only these will be added to the bibliography, numbered, in alphabetical order. Abbreviations should be used in accordance with the Index medicus/Medline.
Reference to a journal publication:
[1] Voas RB, Tippetts AS, McKnight AS (2010) DUI offenders delay license reinstatement: a problem? Alcohol Clin Exp Res 34: 1282-90
Reference to a book:
[2] Porter B (Ed.) (2011) Handbook of Traffic Psychology. Oxford, Elsevier
Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
[3] Voas RB, Lacey Jh (1990) Drunk driving enforcement, adjudication, and sanctions in the United States. In: Wilson RJ, Mann RE (Eds.) Drinking and Driving: Advances in Research and Prevention. Guilford Press, New York, p. 116-58
Additional requirements for scientific papers: In investigations involving volunteers or patients, a declaration has to be made confirming that the experiment was examined by the ethic commission and therefore complies with the applicable version of the Helsinki declaration as well as the relevant German laws. Animal experiment programmes have to contain the notice that the “Principles of laboratory animal care” and the national regulations (the current version of the animal protection act) were followed.
Manuscripts should be sent ready to print in English, if possible with an additional disk/CD-ROM.
Please note the following when sending manuscripts by email or by electronic data medium:
- Word processor documents are to be sent in rich text format, not as “.doc”. When sending scientific papers please list bibliography according to “Medline” format. Please write tables using your word processing table tool and attach to the end of the manuscript file. This should be followed by legends with illustrations. Please ensure places where tables and illustrations should be inserted are clearly marked.
- Illustrations should be enclosed as separate files – one file per illustration – in the manuscript. They should not be inserted into the manuscript text.
- Photos should be sent as compressed TIFFs, graphs as .eps or .wmf.
- Please use original author’s name for file names. Illustrations should be named abb.01, …, or fig.01, …, and data format should be labelled with the usual Windows file name extensions (.rtf, .tif, .eps, .wmf).
- If necessary, please reduce email size by creating a compressed archive (zip, ari, sit)Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us on