Hamburg, Germany


– Abstracts and presentations are now available.

– Online registration is closed now (May 15th), registration on site is still possible.

– The congress programme is now available in pdf.

– Call for Abstracts Extension: The closing date for submissions has been extended to December 31, 2012.

– Register for ITMA 2013: The online-registration for the congress is open now (see Registration)


The International Traffic Medicine Association (ITMA) invites you to participate in the 23rd World Congress.

The congress will be held at the University of Hamburg in Germany on Sunday, 19th May – Wednesday, 22nd May 2013.

‘Safe mobility on land, on sea and in the air’ – The ITMA 2013 World Congress will provide a multidisciplinary network and forum for scientists and practitioners involved in traffic safety to interact with each other and exchange ideas and information on the latest issues in this field.

The WHO points out that road traffic crashes take the lives of nearly 1.3 million people every year, and injure 20-50 million more. Nearly half of those dying are vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Road traffic injuries have become the leading cause of death for people aged 15-29 years. In addition to the grief and suffering they cause, road traffic crashes result in considerable economic losses to victims, their families, and nations as a whole, costing most countries 1-3 % of their gross national product. Without action, road traffic crashes are predicted to result in the deaths of around 1.9 million people annually by 2020, as registered vehicles and mobility rise.

Finding solutions to these challenging problems requires close collaboration between scientists – established as well as young ones -, and practitioners. Therefore we welcome scientific and practical contributions from different disciplines such as Medicine, Toxicology, Engineering, Psychology, Public Administration, etc.

Proposals might, for example, relate to the following aspects of traffic safety in land, in the air or on sea:

Management of trauma, hospital and emergency care
Engineering aspects of crash prevention, e.g. accident reconstruction
Forensic aspects of traffic crashes
Alcohol, drugs and driving, e.g. toxicology, interlock
Driver and passenger safety
Fitness to drive, driver assessment and testing
Rehabilitation and therapy of driving offenders
The impact of age on traffic safety (younger and older drivers)
Driver education and training
Problems of handicapped persons in traffic
Public health and policy aspects of traffic crashes
Traffic law enforcement
Maritime medicine
Aviation medicine
The congress will be hosted by the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Department of Legal Medicine, the Society against Alcohol and Drugs in Traffic, Hamburg, and the Center for Traffic Psychological Counselling and Training, Hamburg.

IHM 03 009

Erster Bürgermeister


Kongress „Safe Mobility on Land, Sea and in the Air“

Das weltweite Verkehrsaufkommen wird in den kommenden Jahren und Jahrzenten

zunehmen. Trotz technischer Fortschritte kommt es dabei immer wieder zu Unfällen. Die

Konferenz „Mobility on Land, Sea and Air“ der International Traffic Medicine Association

(ITMA) widmet sich diesem Thema und hat sich der verbesserten Verkehrssicherheit

verschrieben. Ziel muss es sein, das Problembewusstsein speziell jüngerer Menschen zu

schärfen. Auch der Aspekt des Alkohol-, Drogen- und Medikamentenmissbrauchs und seine

negativen Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrssicherheit muss diskutiert werden. Der

interdisziplinäre und internationale Dialog zwischen Medizin, Psychologie, Pädagogik und

Ingenieurswissenschaften bietet hierfür die optimale Plattform.

Als Metropole im Norden Europas und Verkehrsdrehscheibe für den Land-, See- und

Luftverkehr ist das Thema der Verkehrssicherheit in Hamburg gut und passend aufgehoben.

Insbesondere die Seefahrt und maritime Medizin sowie die Produktion von

Verkehrsflugzeugen prägen unsere Stadt.

Als Wissenschaftsstandort hat sich Hamburg ebenso einen Namen gemacht, speziell im

Bereich der Medizin. Die Rechts- und Verkehrsmedizin bilden Schwerpunkte in Lehre und

Forschung des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg-Eppendorf.

Straßenverkehr und Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr sind in den großen Städten wichtige

Themen. Auch hier gibt es – trotz positiver Tendenzen – weiter Anlass zu Verbesserungen.

Die Konferenz bietet allen Beteiligten die Möglichkeit, aus den Best Practice Beispielen

anderer Länder zu lernen und den Verkehr sicherer zu machen.

Dabei wünsche ich viel Erfolg und freue mich besonders über die breite internationale

Beteiligung an der Tagung in unserer weltoffenen Stadt.

Erster Bürgermeister

Olaf Scholz


Congress „Safe Mobility on Land Sea and Air“

The worldwide traffic amount will increase during the coming years and decades. In spite of technical progress accidents happen over and over again. The conference “Safe Mobility on Land, Sea and Air” of the International Traffic Medicine Association (ITMA) dedicates itself to this subject and to the improvement on road safety. Aim must be to enhance the problem awareness especially of younger people. Also the aspect of alcohol and drug abuse and their negative effects on the road safety must be discussed. The interdisciplinary and international dialogue between medicine, psychology, education science and engineer’s sciences offers the optimum platform.

As a metropolis in the north of Europe and hub for the land traffic, maritime transport and air traffic – Hamburg is a good location for the topic of traffic safety. In particular the maritime medicine as well as the production of traffic airplanes define our city.

Furthermore Hamburg as a science location has made a name for itself especially in the area of medicine. The legal medicine and traffic medicine are key aspects in research and teaching on the university medical centre of Hamburg-Eppendorf.

Traffic and traffic safety are important subjects in big towns. In spite of positive trends there is still necessity for improvements. The conference offers to all partners the possibility to learn from Best Practice examples of other countries and to make traffic safe.

Besides, I wish a lot of success and am glad particularly about the wide international participation in the conference in our cosmopolitan city.

First Mayor

Olaf Scholz

(translated by A. Noeske)