Latest ITMA News
Our board member Alberto Silveira passed away
The board of directors in ITMA are sad to inform about the passing away of our dear board member from Argentine, Alberto Silveira. (09/30/1952 - 05/15/2023). Alberto and his colleague María Cristina Isoba from the Argentine NGO Luchemos por la Vida (Let us fight...
Addressing COVID vaccine hesitancy
This is a new study from our board member Donald Redelmeier et al, addressing COVID vaccine hesitancy. It found that persons who did not get their vaccination had a 72% increase in traffic risks. The theory is that those who neglect public health guidelines may...
Rollator related pedestrian single accidents and collision events in Sweden
The researchers Anna Carlsson, Chalmers Industrial Technology (Chalmers Industriteknik), Gothenburg and Jörgen Lundälv, University of Gothenburg and Umeå University, Sweden, are the authors behind a study regarding rollator related pedestrian single accidents and...
Traffic safety lessons ignored in confronting Covid-19
“ITMA President Emeritus Leonard Evans authors a short Editorial in Injury Prevention titled “Traffic safety lessons ignored in confronting Covid-19”. The editorial affirms that while USA road-traffic safety policy has been a catastrophic failure, it nonetheless...
Drunk driving and association with traffic accidents
ITMA board member Diva Eensoo continues to look into the interesting field of biomarkers that can contribute to traffic crashes, in the recent article on relapses of drunk driving and association with traffic accidents, alcohol-related problems and biomarkers of...
“Traffic Injury and Prevention (TIP) is the official Journal of the AAAM, the ICADTS, the IRCOBI and the ITMA.