Latest ITMA News
Planning for next ITMA world congress postponed for now
Due to the Covid epidemy we could not have our world congress as planned in China and the situation in the world now makes it difficult for delegates and board members from many countries to travel abroad at all.
So, an extra board meeting, after looking at the possibilities to hold a congress, decided to postpone this planning for now.
We have alternatives for countries to hold future ITMA world congresses but currently we have no announcement to make.
ITMA leadership will come back on the issue as soon as the situation in the world is more stable.
Rollator related pedestrian single accidents and collision events in Sweden
The researchers Anna Carlsson, Chalmers Industrial Technology (Chalmers Industriteknik), Gothenburg and Jörgen Lundälv, University of Gothenburg and Umeå University, Sweden, are the authors behind a study regarding rollator related pedestrian single accidents and...
Traffic safety lessons ignored in confronting Covid-19
“ITMA President Emeritus Leonard Evans authors a short Editorial in Injury Prevention titled “Traffic safety lessons ignored in confronting Covid-19”. The editorial affirms that while USA road-traffic safety policy has been a catastrophic failure, it nonetheless...
Pedestrian Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic
ITMA board member Donald Redelmeier is the lead author of a new article titled "Pedestrian Deaths During the COVID-19 Pandemic" published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. The full article appears here...
Acute injuries resulting from accidents involving powered mobility devices (PMDs)
One of the members in the Swedish Traffic Medicine Society, former board member there, Jörgen Lundälv and his associate Anna Carlsson, has written an article about new research that might be of interest to ITMA members also. It deals with accidents and acute...
Drunk driving and association with traffic accidents
ITMA board member Diva Eensoo continues to look into the interesting field of biomarkers that can contribute to traffic crashes, in the recent article on relapses of drunk driving and association with traffic accidents, alcohol-related problems and biomarkers of...
“Traffic Injury and Prevention (TIP) is the official Journal of the AAAM, the ICADTS, the IRCOBI and the ITMA.