26th ITMA World Congress
The International Traffic Medicine Association – ITMA will be holding its 26th World Congress in Curitiba, Brazil, from Tuesday, October 30 – to Thursday, November 1, 2018.
The ITMA World Congress is another substantial opportunity to discuss matters of medicine, psychology or physiology with traffic medicine experts, engineers, designers, lawyers, manufacturers, policy makers, police officers and public administration involving traffic safety. The congress will focus on issues such as the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), Support to safety driving for drivers with brain damage, Swedish Vision Zero program, what happened after 20 years, Proposed actions for the prevention of drunk drivers, New challenges to the prevention of traffic violence, as well as many other issues aiming to establish strategies for cultural and social changes in order to achieve a safer traffic for every person.
We are proud to invite you to share ideas and knowledge concerning traffic medicine in a multidisciplinary environment during 26th World Congress!

Bem-vindo! Welcome! Bienvenido!
Congress Official Languages
The Congress operates in three official languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish and there will be simultaneous interpretation for all of them.



More Information
More information of the 26th World ITMA Congress can be fount on the Congress website. Visit the website by clicking on the link below.